Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Year's Resolves

1. Wash the laundry in cold water.
2. Organize all the film negatives
3. Get all cards mailed out in a timely manner... aka... so they actually receive it in time for their birthday. I've been bad on this for the last couple of years. Not my intent, but I just don't seem to get it done on time.
4. Lose weight so my poor old bones don't have to drag around more than they need to.
5. And most importantly, what is God's goal for me?
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8

So at the end of the first month, I report that:
1. I have washed every load in cold water. I'm afraid my whites are not as white but maybe I am imagining that. I guess I am experiencing a paradigm shift.

2. I had an idea, a great idea! I thought my thought was a good thought, but...... I knew we had a lot of negatives (1977 to 2005) and I was bothered by the piles of envelopes never staying in place in the drawer. I remembered I had this photo album and I thought I would use it as a file cabinet for the negatives. My first clue should have been my numb hands dropping the envelopes twice as I tried to get them into chronological order.

Well, in theory it was a great idea! LOL I wonder what better plan I can come up with ...2 albums? Maybe in 2013! ;)

One positive...my negative album holds all the negatives in chronological order, even if it won't close and believe it or not it is a lot neater in the cupboard than all those pesky envelopes.

I am grateful that I wrote out a list of each frame number and who/what was in the picture for every film all along the way. That made the job a whole lot easier.

3. It is February 1st and I just got the card mailed today for the February 2nd birthday celebrated in the USA. Fail!
4. I've lost 9 pounds. Happy!
5. God is my judge as to whether I have walked humbly, acted justly and loved mercy. It truly is my desire, living life moment by moment in Him!

"Do Not Let..." art series

"Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."
Joshua 1:8

I have an ever increasing collection of art for your home taken from Scripture or songs or quotes to set our minds on Things above. These can be printed at your local photofinishing shop and displayed in a frame on your coffee table, fireplace or bookcase or hung on a wall. They also make terrific gifts.

Upon receipt of payment, a JPEG file will be emailed to you. The file size will be rather large, so that the picture will print with supreme quality. If you are doing a custom order, I'll email you a draft for your approval. Then a JPEG file will be emailed ready for you to print.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Celebrate the 25th!

I was having a hard time thinking of ideas for a Christmas gift for my husband. What do you get a man who has everything? I then had a brainwave....what about giving him date nights? Hmmmm, maybe this is more for me than him, but I still decided it was a great idea. I wondered about a way to do it. Then the thought hit me. We were married on the 25th and Christmas comes on the 25th so ... tah dah! … perfect! We’ll celebrate the 25th.

I remembered I had a couple of these plastic boxes that paper from Creative Memories had come in. I was going to throw them out, but then thought maybe I could use them for something. When we were packing to move I almost threw them out once again, saying to myself, well I haven’t used these yet so, I’d better toss the. But then the thought, ‘No, they are perfect for something’. Seriously, I am not a pack rat but in some things maybe I am. ;) Anyhow I moved the little boxes with us and I’m glad I did. All of a sudden, I thought this is the moment that these boxes have been waiting for.

I slipped some envelopes into them and they fit perfectly. :) So I decorated each one of them. I went to websites to find restaurants in town that we have either never eaten at or haven’t been to since we moved from ON in 2003. I copied and pasted their logos and printed them off, then cut the 8.5x11 sheet into business card sizes and put one in each of the envelopes and sealed them.

On Christmas Day, he unwrapped his gift of this decorated box. Now on the 25th of every month he opens an envelope which will tell us where we are going to go for a date that night. Celebrating the 25th is a gift that keeps on giving!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Cravin' Chips

Due to food allergies, our daughter has created her own little recipe. When the craving strikes she can have a treat to nibble and chew on!

She thinly slices potatoes and lays them out a Pamered Chef clay baker. She then puts a drop of whipping cream with a syringe (washed up from a previous Amoxicillin prescription) on each chip. Then she sprinkles an assortment of spices on the chips. Baking at 350 for about 20 minutes produces an enjoyable, crunchy, healthy snack. Once again, necessity breeds creativity!